International Studies & Programs

Making lifelong friendships

My roommate introduced me to all her friends and we all instantly clicked. I was so glad that I had found people to spend time with.

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Published: Thursday, 27 Jun 2024 Author: Ezmeralda Marquez-Gonzalez

Esmerelda wearing a hat and holding a fan as she poses in front of Mayen ruinsBefore I went to Oaxaca, I did not know anyone who was going on the program. I was nervous to go out of the country for the first time with “strangers.”

When we got to the hotel in Oaxaca everyone was really tired and ready to eat or take a nap. At the time we were getting our keys I met with my roommate. We had only met once before in the classes prior to the program. My roommate and I put our stuff in our room, I took a nap, and she went to eat. At the end of our reflection on the first day my roommate and her friends invited me to go eat dinner with them. I agreed and we went to a restaurant close by with some other people from our group. Mayan ruins in MexicoThis was the start of us all hanging out.

My roommate introduced me to all her friends and we all instantly clicked. I was so glad that I had found people to spend time with. They all welcomed me so kindly; I will always remember their kindness. As our time abroad continued, we all got to know each other more and more. We went out to try new foods and to dance or shop. It was all so much fun. I even got a piercing with one of my new friends.

At the end of the program, I was a little worried that my new friends and I would not stay in contact when we came back to campus. We had so much fun in Oaxaca, and I didn’t want that to end. Luckily, it was the opposite. Me and my friends are still hanging out, studying together, or just sitting and talking. I am so glad that I went on this program and made a lot of new friends. I hope that other people can experience the joy of meeting new people while studying abroad.

Name: Ezmeralda Marquez-Gonzalez
Status: Freshman
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: Pullman, Michigan
Program: International Engagement in Oaxaca, Mexico